Monday, July 21, 2008

Flash Drive Direct’s new NAND Flash technology uses less than 1% of the energy as conventional CD technology.

Flash Drive Direct’s new NAND Flash technology uses less than 1% of the energy as conventional CD technology. Are Flash Drives the eco-answer? For_Immediate_Release:
Canada (Press Release) February 24, 2008 --

Vancouver Canada-Flash Drive Directs new NAND technology uses less than 1% of the energy as conventional CD technology in transferring the same amount of data
Eco-friendly is most often seen as picking up trash and recycling. What is often not thought about is the use of energy and how that adversely affects the environment.

Last year over 1 billion, 1 time use CD’s were sold throughout North America. The energy required to burn information onto a CD has been measure to be as much as 100 times the amount used to load the same information onto a Flash Drive Direct USB Flash Drive.
Multiply this use of energy, which is electrical energy often produced by burning coal, natural gas or hydro dams, by the billions of CDs burned each year it becomes easy to see the huge positive environmental impact that the Flash Drive Direct business model and its USB Flash Drive products can have on the environment.

International Flash Drive manufacturer Flash Drive Direct first started operation in 2000.
FDD products and the company policies have been cited by the Energy Star program are RoHS and WEE compliant. In the 16 Billion dollar promotional products industry they are seen as one of the leading candidates for the GREENEST supplier in the industry.
“ This industry is notorious for producing promotional items and products that are far from eco-friendly. As a business model the promotional products industry generally offers disposable items that quickly end up in our landfills. It is an eco-shame” states FDD Director, John Graham. “Our aim is to not only produce “green products” but to be a totally “green” company from top to bottom. I think we are well on our way to achieving that goal”

Flash Drive Directs achievement of recognizing the tremendous energy savings to be found in this comparison should be a major signal to all business to reconsider their data storage solutions.

To find out more visit FDD at
12500 Horseshoe Way
Vancouver Canada

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12500 Horseshoe Way
Vancouver Canada
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February, 2008 @

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